BasicPCB Reviews

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There are 2 reviews with an average rating of 5.  

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Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Oren
High quality, great price, and local!

I have ordered a few runs of PCBs from BasicPCB and have been consistently happy with the results. No fancy stuff like arrays, castellated edges, slots, etc. Perfect if you just need a plain ol 2 layer board. For us USA folks, there's no overseas waits or hassles. Best bang for the buck for USA-made boards.

 by Shengh Gaizu
No problem at all after two orders...

BasicPCB has performed great for me - I've had them do two sets of boards now and have a third in process that should be delivered this week. I find their prices to be quite reasonable and their turn time to be excellent. They don't do panelization, but that is not a show stopper for me. I will definitely continue to use them!